The Roger sector, Spineta, Battipaglia

The allies landed mainly in Pontecagnano, Battipaglia and Paestum. In particular, the central sector, the stretch of coastal road corresponding to the coast of the municipality of Battipaglia was the “Roger” sector. Immediately after the Tusciano river and before the mouth of the Sele river, the bulk of the contingent essentially made up of English soldiers, about one hundred thousand, landed.

Today the area is dedicated to summer and seaside tourism but in the locality of Spineta a stone commemorates the Allied landing and the sacrifice of the soldiers who got off the ships. The place is located right at the end of the road that leads from Battipaglia to the sea and every year, the second week of September, a ceremony is organized in memory of the landing with a real re-enactment of the landings.






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Battipaglia, the air-raid shelter
75 anni fa Salerno Capitale. 22 giugno - 14 luglio 1944, il primo Consiglio dei Ministri espressione del fronte unitario antifascista