Project “a memoria!” of digital archive in schools. The students are trained on the need for memory retention and on the basic requirements for organizing the contents collected during the study phase.
Creation of a dedicated portal ( to publish the collected documentation and collect and promote the “places of the Avalanche” with the location of the places in the historical period and in specific events, also enhancing the natural beauty and historical heritage of the cities involved in the Avalanche operation.
29th March, celebration of the anniversary of the elevation of Battipaglia to a municipality (1929) with the participation of schools. The city was indeed one of the new “colonies” of the regime. An exhibition of memorabilia on the history of the city and an exhibition of the Avalanche collection have been organized.
21st June, memory of the 1943 bombing by the allied air force on Battipaglia, with 108 civilian deaths. With the participation of schools.
15th September, Celebration on the same beaches where the landing took place (September, date to be defined), and for two days recreational and musical activities will be organized, as well as exhibition of objects from the war period and the reconstruction in uniform. An exhibition on the research activities of Salerno 1943 has been created.